Do You Love Gele? See Different Ways To Style Your Gele For Your Next Occasion…

Gele is a traditional headwrap in Nigeria, the word gele is a yoruba word for head wrap and has become the popular word in Nigeria. Headwrap is also wore in other parts in Western Africa.

Gele is made out of stiff fabric and is usually moulded around the head. Gele can be styled differently with other fabrics, gele is usually wore with, fitting skirt and blouse, wrapper with blouse, dresses and agbada. “Yes women wears agbada too, to clear your curiosity  “

Gele has become so popular and its worn during a special occasions Like Traditional Marriages, Introductions, Naming Ceremony, on a regular basis and popularly used in Aso‐Ebi, follow the link to see more Aso‐Ebi designs Click Here

See Photos Of Different Gele Styles Below!!

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