Infuse Fun In Your Home..... Learn To Bond With Your Partner!!
Like I always say Good Men still exist same goes to the Women. Compatibility is the vessel that takes the relationship further. Marry not out of pity or out of blindfolded emotion, it can never guarantee your happiness , rather marry rightly with the right person. .
Marrying the right person is the key word here. The right person would make things so easy to deal with.
The right person would value your opinion even if its sounds lame.
The right person would make you feel more important than you can ever imagine.
The right person will never see you as competition but as a partner.
Yet there are those who believe that marriage has got to be all pain no gain. That the only good thing in marriage is having children "WRONG" You cannot blame them though, children are blessings to every marriage but“ they are more to understand about marriage than just making babies. Learn how to bond together first before considering how to bond your kids together.
The only time marriages make the news nowadays is when something bad has happened. Why must it be so.…
If you want to have fun in you marriage, you have to make your marriage a priority in your life.
Marry the right person and every issue you have to deal with as a single person becomes split in half.
Your responsibilities become shared.
You are guaranteed a friend who will always be there even when the whole world turns against you.
Your house becomes a home.
You start getting blessed for things that would ordinarily have counted as sin - yes, especially sex, which you think is the solution, LOL sorry to disappoint you.
It's not always all about sex, sometimes the best type of intimacy is where you both are laughing together at the stupidest things, share quality time together and put back you worries.
It's what you put into it.
When couples are dating they seems to have fun discussing their future plans. Once they get married they tend to lose the art of dreaming together.
It may not seem like much but it reflects a lot about the bond you both share. **It is not wearing his things that will raise the bond. It is the bond that will make it not matter even if you wear his shirt and sleep in it. It is the bond that needs to be worked on.
Dont be too hard on your partner, free your self from what so ever that has eating that better part of you! For if you make your home a happy place you shall boths benefits and learn more about bonding together.
You should be having fun in your marriage. You dont have to be serious all the time
Infuse fun in your Home.
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