What would his punishment be! 65 years old man, defiles a 10-yr-old girl

A 65-year-old man, Sulaiman Rauf, has been arrested by detectives of the Ogun State police command for allegedly having unlawful carnal knowledge of a 10-year-old girl at Araromi Street, Ilase.
Spokesman of the command, Abimbola Oyeyemi, hinted that the arrest followed a complaint lodged by father of the victim, Fahinhun Mathew, who reported at Idi-roko divisional headquarters that the suspect who is living in their neighborhood sent his daughter on an errand, and when the girl came back, she was lured into his room where he forcefully had carnal knowledge of her.
When the girl came out of the suspect’s room, she quickly informed her father of what the suspect did to her, hence the report. On interrogation, the suspect admitted having carnal knowledge of the victim, but claimed not to know what led him to it.


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